Brand: Hom-io

Hom-io Smart Wi-Fi Universal IR Remote Control

Product Code: 800HOME-IR-REMOTE

Inventory Status: discontinued

Hom-io Smart Wi-Fi Universal IR Remote Control

Intelligent universal remote control that allows you to replicate the functions of all home remote controls, with the ability to create routines for the automatic execution of various operations automatically.

  • Forget about the many remote controls in the house! control everything from a single smart device, even with voice control.
  • Customize scenes, create your own scenes for specific devices according to your needs.
  • Remote control: Turn connected devices on and off from anywhere at any time remotely with the touch of the power button or via voice command in the app.
  • set specific time schedule and timer. you no longer have to worry about forgetting to turn off the power. helps you save on your bill!

Thanks to the integrated Wi-Fi connectivity, in combination with the Hom-io app available for free on the Google Play Store and on the AppStore, it will be possible to automate the switching on of the light point through time programming, scenarios and integration with other home automation devices.

The Hom-io app is also fully compatible with both the Google Home and Amazon Alexa voice assistants that offer many advanced features (for example, voice control, activation on timer or calendar, creation of routines to control several group devices at the same time) and with the IFTTT web service that allows you to easily create automatisms for the interaction of different apps by means of automated instructions (applets).


  • Model: HOM-IR.REMOTE
  • Codes: 559593020, 8006012364828

More information in the attached instructions

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Blog Hom-io

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Blog - Tp-link Zero to Hero

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